Normal body temperatures are determined by a variety of factors, including a person's age, gender, and degree of exercise.
True Source, an adult's typical body temperature is approximately 98.6°F (37°C), but everyone's baseline body temperature is somewhat different and maybe regularly higher or lower.
The typical temperature ranges for adults, children, and infants are discussed in this article. We also discuss variables that influence body temperature and when to seek medical help.
Diagram of a normal body temperature
The temperature of a person's body varies depending on where the measurements are taken. Rectal readings are more accurate than oral readings, but armpit readings are less accurate.
According to a thermometer manufacturer, the following are the typical ranges of body temperature for adults and children:
Type of reading | 0–2 years | 3–10 years | 11–65 years | Over 65 years |
Oral | 95.9–99.5°F (35.5–37.5°C) | 95.9–99.5°F (35.5–37.5°C) | 97.6–99.6°F (36.4–37.6°C) | 96.4–98.5°F (35.8–36.9°C) |
Rectal | 97.9–100.4°F (36.6–38°C) | 97.9–100.4°F (36.6–38°C) | 98.6–100.6°F (37.0–38.1°C) | 97.1–99.2°F (36.2–37.3°C) |
Armpit | 94.5–99.1°F (34.7–37.3°C) | 96.6–98.0°F (35.9–36.7°C) | 95.3–98.4°F (35.2–36.9°C) | 96.0–97.4°F (35.6–36.3°C) |
Ear | 97.5–100.4°F (36.4–38°C) | 97.0–100.0°F (36.1–37.8°C) | 96.6–99.7°F (35.9–37.6°C) | 96.4–99.5°F (35.8–37.5°C) |
Within these ranges, normal body temperature readings will fluctuate based on the following factors:
- the age and gender of a person
- the time of day, with early mornings being the lowest and late afternoons being the highest.
- Activity levels might be high or low.
- consumption of food and fluids
- The stage of a female's monthly menstrual cycle.
- Oral (mouth), rectal (bottom), or armpit readings are examples of measuring methods.
Adults have a normal temperature.
When taken orally, a typical adult body temperature ranges from 97.6–99.6°F, however, different sources may offer slightly different numbers.
The following temperatures in adults indicate that someone is suffering from a fever:
- A fever is defined as a temperature of at least 100.4°F (38°C).
- A high fever is defined as a temperature of 103.1°F (39.5°C) or higher.
- A fever of more than 105.8°F (41°C) is considered extremely high.
Individual variations in people's typical body temperatures have been studied by researchers. According to a survey of over 35,500 people conducted by Trusted Source, older persons had the lowest temperatures, while African-American women had higher temperatures than white males.
They also discovered that a person's body temperature may be affected by certain medical disorders. People with an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), for example, had lower temperatures, but cancer patients had higher temperatures.
In children, the temperature is normal.
When taken orally, a normal body temperature for children aged 3–10 is 95.9–99.5°F.
Children's body temperatures are similar to adults'.
In infants, the temperature is normal.
For armpit and ear readings, infants and young children may have greater body temperature ranges than adults.
When measured rectally, a normal body temperature for babies aged 0–2 years ranges from 97.9–100.4°F. When a baby is teething, his or her body temperature may rise somewhat.
A newborn's typical body temperature is 99.5°F.
Source corroded
Because a baby's body surface area is bigger than their body weight, their temperature is higher. Their bodies are also more metabolically active, resulting in increased heat production.
The bodies of babies do not control the temperature as well as the bodies of adults. When it's hot outside, they sweat less, allowing their bodies to retain more heat. During a fever, it may also be more difficult for them to cool down.
When should you see a doctor?
The age at which a person's body temperature becomes hazardous is determined by the following factors:
In otherwise healthy people, a fever of 100.4–104°F induced by short-term diseases should not cause substantial damage. A mild temperature, on the other hand, might be more concerning for someone who already has heart or lung issues.
Temperatures exceeding 104°F or below 95°F should be reported to a doctor, especially if there are additional symptoms such as disorientation, headaches, or shortness of breath. Organ failure can occur at temperatures over 105.8°F.
Hypothermia is defined as a temperature below 95°F, according to doctors. If not treated promptly, hypothermia can be fatal.
Fever in children aged 3 months to 3 years old with a temperature less than 102°F does not necessarily necessitate medication. If your kid has a temperature of above 102.2°F or a lower temperature but is dehydrated, vomiting, or diarrhea, call your doctor.
If a child under the age of three months develops a rectal fever of 100.4°F or above, get medical help right once. A modest temperature in a very young baby might indicate a severe illness.
Take your temperature the right way
There are many different types of thermometers, and the optimal approach depends on the age of the person:
Age | Best method |
0 to 3 months | Rectal |
3 months to 3 years | Rectal, ear, or armpit |
4 to 5 years | Oral, rectal, ear, or armpit |
5 years to adult | Oral, ear, or armpit |
Follow the directions on the package of the thermometer.
If a temperature measurement is extremely high or low, wait for 5 to 10 minutes before taking another reading. If a person is doubtful about reading, they might use a separate thermometer to get a second reading.
What causes a person's body temperature to fluctuate?
The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that controls body temperature. The hypothalamus is activated to control body temperature when it rises above or falls below 98.6°F (37°C).
When the hypothalamus detects that the body is too chilly, it sends out signals that cause the body to shiver, which warms it up. When the body becomes too hot, it sends out signals to start sweating, which allows heat to escape.
The majority of fevers are caused by infections. A fever is the body's natural reaction to and defense against illness.
Fever signs and symptoms
A fever is defined as a body temperature that reaches or exceeds 100.4°FTrusted Source, according to doctors. Other signs and symptoms include:
- There is a lack of appetite
- chills
- a throbbing headache
- irritation
- muscular pains
- shivering
- sweating
- weakness
Adults' optimum body temperature is about 98.6°F, however, it fluctuates depending on age, gender, physical activity, and health. The temperature of your body fluctuates throughout the day. A fever is defined as a temperature of more than 100.4°F.
Although newborns have greater body temperatures than adults, even a little fever might indicate a serious illness.
Doctors believe a range of body temperatures to be normal based on temperature measurements collected from various body regions. Rectal readings are more accurate than oral readings, but armpit readings are less accurate.
If a person's temperature is extremely high or low, they should seek medical help right once.
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